Can Data hold Metal?
In the era of relentless data collection, concerns about privacy have grown as we become more dependent on the services of large tech companies. We find ourselves living and working in ways that increasingly rely on these platforms, consenting to their use of our personal data in return for convenience and connection. This exchange, however, often leaves us feeling exposed—our personal lives and inner thoughts seemingly laid bare before algorithms and servers. It’s not just a fear of being watched but a deeper worry about the potential abuse of this power:
Will our privacy be trafficked?
Our desires catalogued?
Our beliefs tracked?
Or vulnerabilities exploited?

Can Data hold Metal? 2024
Water Jet Cutting Aluminium and printed paper, orange Masking Tape
11.6" x 10" x 12" (294.64mm x 254mm x 304.8mm)
The code in printed in the paper is a section of my personal data collected by Google.
Google offers you the option to download their data of you.

Yet a more disturbing question arise: will this data be used to subtly shape or manipulate what we believe? While the thought of our data being misused is concerning, the possibility that our thoughts might be shaped or swayed by those who control the flow of information feels more insidious. It leads us to ask if this digital influence could seep into our perceptions and decisions, subtly altering our understanding of reality and become a form of control?
As digital privacy becomes an increasingly difficult ideal to maintain, we are left with a sense of compliance—assuming that our data will be used, with little power to resist. If the digital sphere can shape our thoughts, could it also constrain our physical freedoms and actions? The line between the virtual and the real seems to blur as we grapple with how much control this digital surveillance exerts over our lives. Ultimately, the challenge is understanding whether our acceptance of this new reality is simply an adaptation to modern life or a dangerous compromise of our autonomy.
The piece is hold by the rotation of the paper intruduce in a whole in the wall. No nail, hook or glue has been used for this piece.

Can Data hold Metal? 2024, Water Jet Cutting Aluminium, printed paper, orange Masking Tape.
11.6" x 10" x 12" (294.64mm x 254mm x 304.8mm)